2 Reasoning, Goal Trees and Problem Solving

We are going to understand Problem reduction:

                                |----> [simpler problem part]
[problem] -- transform --(AND node)|----> [simpler problem part]
                                |----> [simpler problem part]

In the realm of integral calculus, there are all sorts of simple methods (transformations) that we can try, that will take a complex problem and make it into an easier problem.

Educational philosophy

  • Skill
  • Understand
  • Widtness

You want to acquire a skill. First you need to understand it, and it is best done while witnessing it (through examples).

Example of Problem reduction with an integral

How do we go about integrating this:


How can we simplify the above integral ?

IMPORTANT: we want to list the safe transformations (that work all the time no matter what). "trick substitution" is a heuristic approach that might not work all the time, so discarded.

SAFE transformations table

  1. ∫-f(x)dx = -∫f(x)dx
  2. Take the constants out: ∫cf(x)dx = c∫f(x)dx
  3. Sum of integrals is the integrals of the sum: ∫∑f(x)dx = ∑∫f(x)dx
  4. Divide when the degree of the nominator is greater than that of the denominator: ∫P(x)/Q(x)dx -> divide

Solution Strategy

Devise a procedure, architecture, a framework to apply the knoledge that we are gaining

  1. Apply all safe transformations
  2. Look in table
  3. Test if done
  4. Call for success

Let's apply

∫[(-5x^4)/(1-x2)^(5/2)]dx <=>

# Apply 1.
∫[(5x^4)/(1-x2)^(5/2)]dx <=>

# Apply 2.
∫[(x^4)/(1-x2)^(5/2)]dx <=>

We can only go so far, with the safe transformations. So let's try to find som heuristing transformations.

Heuristic transformations

Heuristic: a funny word, that meanst the thing often works, but not guaranteed to work. It's an attempt.

  1. f(sinxcosxtanxcotxsecxcscx) = g1(sinxcosx) = g2(tanxcscx) = g3(ctxsecx)