networking, the OSI model

The goal of a Network is to allow data sharing among hosts.

The OSI model is a definition of a networking system which ensures data-sharing among hosts is attained.

7 Layers

They are usually represented in reverse order (Application -> Physical).

  1. Physical: Transporting bits
    • Data exists in form of bits 1-0
    • What transports this data from a to b
    • Ex: Cables, Wifi, Repeaters, Hubs are layer 1 tech
  2. Data Link: Hop-to-hop
    • Interacts with layer 1, puts bit in the wire and retrieves bits from the wire
    • whatever connects to the wire is considered a layer 2 item
    • Ex: NIC Network Interface Card / Wi-Fi access cards
    • MAC addressing schemes: 48 bit represented as 6 octet hex digits:
      • 94-65-9C-3B-8A-E5 (windows like)
      • 94:65:9C:3B:8A:E5 (linux like)
      • 9465.9C3B.8AE5 (cisco routers and switches like)
    • Every NIC has a unique MAC address
    • Switches belong to layer 2
    • Communication between two remote hosts require multiple hop between many routers, each hop is achieved by layer 2
    • Each router has one NIC per port
  3. Network: End-to-End
    • Makes sure that each hop in layer 2 end up forming a complete end-to-end communication between two remote hosts
    • This is done through IP addresses, 32 bits represented as 4 octets.
    • Ex: Routers, Hosts, anything with an IP address is considered layer 3 tech
  4. Transport
  5. Session
  6. Presentation
  7. Application