How to install and setup tor (kali)

Have you installed a Kali distribution in your Macbook pro M1 chip ? I have some bad news for you: no Tor Browser !

You must have encountered a problem when trying to run the torbrowser either from having installed it from or through apt install torbrowser-launcher. This anoying error may have popped up:

Tor Browser requires a CPU with SSE2 support. Exiting.

SSE2 stands for Streaming SIMD Extensions intrinsics (Intel). The sad part is that it's Intel and not Arm. So unless you alter Tor Browser's C source code and make it use arm neon intrinsic headers, it is unlikely you will be able to run the thing. (Here's a link for compilation instructions if you want to try that route, which I don't recommend unless you know C)

For our purpose, we are going to stay humble and use Tor through Firefox, follow along and you will be able to browse the Dark Web on your Macbook Pro M1 Kali install.

Step 1, install Tor:

sudo apt install tor

Next, edit /etc/tor/torrc:

sudo vim /etc/tor/torrc

Find the line below and uncomment it:

#ControlPort 9051

Now, find this line:

#CookieAuthentication 1

Make it look like this

CookieAuthentication 0

Finally, restart the tor service:

sudo /etc/init.d/tor restart

Check if things are properly set up. Find out your current ip:


and compare it to a "torified" curl (usual curl but through the tor network):

torirfy curl 2>/dev/null

The redirect to /dev/null is used because torify generates a handful of warnings on some platforms.

You can now use any command anonymously through Tor by prepending torify.

When you want to re-generate a different IP (or Circuit in tor slang) you need to send a NEWNYM signal with:

echo -e 'AUTHENTICATE ""\r\nsignal NEWNYM\r\nQUIT' | nc 9051

Verify that the IP has changed by repeating the torified curl command above; is it different than before? Cool!

Instead of using your ISP DNS server, it is a good idea to use a very common DNS server (in a different country than yours), in order to further obfuscate you.

To see your current DNS resolution IP do:

cat /etc/resolv.conf

should output:

# Generated by NetorkManager
nameserver fe89::1231::1231::asdf::3b64%eth0

This means that my DNS server is resolved by my router. We want to change this, to a big reputable DNS server. So let's first find a reputable DNS server with a search enging: "most reputable dns server", you will likely get:

CISCO OpenDNS and;
Cloudflare 1.1. 1.1: 1.1. 1.1 and 1.0. 0.1;

Let's use the first one. To do so let's edit /etc/dhcp/dhcpclient.conf:

sudo vi /etc/dhcp/dhcpclient.conf

Find this line:

#prepend domain-name-servers;

and turn it into:

prepend domain-name-servers,;

Save the file and restart the resolvconf service. First, make sure it is installed with:

sudo apt install resolvconf
systemctl enable resolvconf.service
systemctl start resolvconf.service

Check if by any chance the nameservers have been updated:

cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Dynamic Resolve.conf(5) file for ...
# ...
nameserver # this may differ

If you do not see the new nameservers listed, try to:

  • restart NetworkManager in Debian >= 11 (network-manager for Debian < 11):

    service NetworkManager restart
  • restart dhclient:

    sudo dhclient -r
    sudo dhclient -v

Once you see that cat /etc/resolv.conf lists our new DNS ip's that we added to /etc/dhcp/dhcpclient.conf, then it means you are safe.

Setting up Firefox to browse through the Tor network

To setup firefox to use a Proxy (Tor) follow these instructions.

Accessing .onion sites

Firefox blocks .onion sites by default. There is a flag you can toggle in order to allow .onion browsing. In the url type: about:config, Accept the Risk and Continue then search for network.dns.blockDotOnion and toggle to false

DoH: maybe not good idea

To setup DNS over HTTPS Do this only if you know it increases your anonymity. I didn't know.